Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Web 2.0 Examples

Web 2.0 allowed the formation of various technologies which changed the way we used the internet. These include:

Websites like Blogger.com allow anyone to set up a site about any topic they wish and freely express their thoughts and ideas. Sites like this can be used for factual information on particular topics or a personal blogs where the user is able to use it like a online diary.

The online encyclopaedia known as Wikipedia is completely run by the users. Allowing them to change and control the content of the page. It is available in a variety of languages allowing people to share information all around the world.

Flicker is quite similar to Wikipedia, but instead of sharing information you are able to share pictures. The user once again controls the content as anybody is able to add a gallery to the site and share pictures with the world.

Social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook and Bebo, allow people to connect, share and communicate from anywhere in the world. All of these sites are based on personal profiles, which are added, edited and controlled by the users.

YouTube is yet another example of Web 2.0 technology. Allowing you to upload and download any kind of video, including, News, TV Shows, Movies and Personal Blogs. Once again the user is controls the content, by adding videos and blogs.

Finally website like Second Life, allow the user to create a virtual world in which they control. Allowing the user to create the content which, can bee anything they imagine from something as simple as piece of clothing to something more complex like a complete town or theme park.

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